On Simplicial Resolutions of Framed Links
In this paper, we investigate the simplicial groups obtained from the link groups of naive cablings on any given framed link. Our main result states that the resulting simplicial groups have the homotopy type of the loop space of a wedge of 3-spheres. This gives simplicial group models for some loop spaces using link groups.
منابع مشابه
Cw Simplicial Resolutions of Spaces with an Application to Loop Spaces
We show how a certain type of CW simplicial resolutions of spaces by wedges of spheres may be constructed, and how such resolutions yield an obstruction theory for a given space to be a loop space.
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Small world models are networks consisting of many local links and fewer long range ‘shortcuts’. In this paper, we consider some particular instances, and rigorously investigate the distribution of their inter–point network distances. Our results are framed in terms of approximations, whose accuracy increases with the size of the network. We also give some insight into how the reduction in typi...
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In [1] it is shown that every monomial ideal admits a simplicial resolution (Taylor’s resolution) and that some minimal free resolutions are supported in simplicial complexes (Scarf ideals, monomial regular sequences). This idea is generalized in [2] where cellular resolutions are introduced. The authors show that every monomial ideal admits a resolution supported in a regular cell complex (the...
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متن کاملGeneralized Complete Intersections with Linear Resolutions
We determine the simplicial complexes ∆ whose Stanley-Reisner ideals I∆ have the following property: for all n ≥ 1 the powers In ∆ have linear resolutions and finite length local cohomologies.
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